Farm | Estancia stay in Sierra Chicas

Ranch-stay between Pampa and Andes

Farm | Estancia stay in Sierra Chicas

Ranch-stay between Pampa and Andes

Farm | Estancia stay in Sierra Chicas

Ranch-stay between Pampa and Andes


Webcode: IT-ARRT11

Programmart: Farm
Reisezeit: All year
Unterkunft: Estancia, tent camp
Verpflegung: Full board
Zimmer: Double, single
Sprache: English, Spanish
Nichtreiter: upon request
Kinder: upon request
Eigenes Pferd: no

Gruppengrösse / Mitreiter
Min: 2
Max: 12


Beschreibung & Reiseverlauf

The Estancia is a cattle farm that has been run by the same Anglo-Argentinean family for 4 generations. The Estancia is located in the Sierra Chicas at an altitude of 900m, nestled between the pampas and the Andes in the region around Cordoba. There is much evidence that Jesuits pioneered here and were the first to run organized farms before being evicted in the 1760s.
The family creates short and long horseback riding adventures for those who want to experience first hand the rural traditions and splendor of Argentina.
The estancia offers professionalism in accommodation, meals, tour guiding and horse care - above Argentinean standards - and combines this for the guests with personal attention and attention to detail. If you love wilderness and are not afraid of thrills, this is the place to experience Argentina´s wildlife, culture and landscapes up close, without sacrificing the comfort of comfortable accommodation, well-groomed horses and equipment. This is the place for people who appreciate sensitive horses and are able to ride them well. Nevertheless, riding for all abilities is offered and even beginners are introduced to the horse and riding.



There is a huge area to discover in the mountain range and we try to arrange the daily schedule according to the wishes of our guests, sometimes in combination with a classic car tour. Horseback riding takes place around the estancia, with occasional 2-day rides to neighbouring estancias.

Other activities:
Apart from horseback riding, there are many other activities to do, such as hiking in the mountains and along the rivers, watching exotic birds, mountain biking, golf or relaxing by the pool. There are also 3 golf courses in the area. Although the farm is a bit remote, you can take a taxi for shopping to Rio Ceballos (13km), La Falda (17km) or La Cumbre (35km). Cordoba City (55km) is an interesting lively university city and the main connection between Lima (Peru) and Buenos Aires.
The region is rich in churches that reflect the importance of religion. Well known places are the National Jesuit Museum in Jesus Maria (1618), the Estancia Sta. Catalina (founded 1662), and the Embalse San Roque (lake that supplies Cordoba City with water).
The Folklore Festival in Cosquin and the Rodeo in Jesus Maria, as well as the cattle market and the cattle burning are annual spectacles here.

Example of a week:
You should expect 4-6 hours riding time per day, possibly more to reach the planned destination. Usually there is a longer ride in the morning and a shorter one in the afternoon.



The lovingly furnished rooms reflect the charm of the entire estancia and offer a lot of comfort. Due to the enormous ceiling height, the room climate is also very pleasant in summer. In winter a wood stove or fireplace in the room provides cosy warmth. The owners of the family-run estancia attach great importance to the fact that every guest feels comfortable here.

Pferde, Reiten & Zaumzeug

Pferde: The horses, all bred at the estancia, are well trained, well behaved, well groomed and sure-footed. Criollos, Paso Peruanos and crossbreeds. The horses are constantly in use for cattle and farm work.

Sattel & Zaum: English with sheepfur, The riding pace is moderate in all gaits.

Reiterfahrung: for advanced riders and also riders with little experience but basic knowledge.

Kundenmeinungen & weitere Informationen

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Preise & Termine

Dates, prices, prestations

Estancia stay in Sierra Chicas

Space available? Click on a date and book online! Red: fully booked!


01.01. - 31.12.

Services and notations

Included: Estancia Sierra Chicas: 8 Tage/7 Üb., VP inkl. alkoholische Getränke, täglich 4-6 Std. Reiten, optionale mehrtägige Touren, Schnupper-Polo-Stunde (findet 1x in der Woche statt), Transfer ab/an Cordoba Flughafen od. Busterminal zu festen Zeiten. Sierra Chicas Country Polo Kurs: 8 Tage/7 Üb., VP, tägliches Reiten, täglicher Polounterricht und abschliessendes Poloturnier, Transfer ab/an Cordoba Flughafen od. Busterminal zu festen Zeiten.

Arrival / departure: täglich möglich bzw. Polo Kurs je nach Termin (weitere Termine auf Anfrage möglich).

Cordoba Flughafen oder Busterminal.

Not included in package: Trinkgelder.




UK £



8 days ranch, AP




Prices per person, not including travel

Kürzere Aufenthalte a.A. möglich. Weitere Termine für die Polowoche können jederzeit organisiert werden mit 2+ Teilnehmern (Preise auf Anfrage). Halbes Doppelzimmer ohne Aufpreis möglich sofern verfügbar.

In a nutshell

Webcode: IT-ARRT11

Program Type: Farm
Travel Time: All year
Lodging: Estancia, tent camp
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Double, single
Language: English, Spanish
Non Riders: upon request
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 2
Max: 12

Your Expert:


The Estancia is a cattle farm that has been run by the same Anglo-Argentinean family for 4 generations. The Estancia is located in the Sierra Chicas at an altitude of 900m, nestled between the pampas and the Andes in the region around Cordoba. There is much evidence that Jesuits pioneered here and were the first to run organized farms before being evicted in the 1760s.
The family creates short and long horseback riding adventures for those who want to experience first hand the rural traditions and splendor of Argentina.
The estancia offers professionalism in accommodation, meals, tour guiding and horse care - above Argentinean standards - and combines this for the guests with personal attention and attention to detail. If you love wilderness and are not afraid of thrills, this is the place to experience Argentina´s wildlife, culture and landscapes up close, without sacrificing the comfort of comfortable accommodation, well-groomed horses and equipment. This is the place for people who appreciate sensitive horses and are able to ride them well. Nevertheless, riding for all abilities is offered and even beginners are introduced to the horse and riding.


There is a huge area to discover in the mountain range and we try to arrange the daily schedule according to the wishes of our guests, sometimes in combination with a classic car tour. Horseback riding takes place around the estancia, with occasional 2-day rides to neighbouring estancias.

Other activities:
Apart from horseback riding, there are many other activities to do, such as hiking in the mountains and along the rivers, watching exotic birds, mountain biking, golf or relaxing by the pool. There are also 3 golf courses in the area. Although the farm is a bit remote, you can take a taxi for shopping to Rio Ceballos (13km), La Falda (17km) or La Cumbre (35km). Cordoba City (55km) is an interesting lively university city and the main connection between Lima (Peru) and Buenos Aires.
The region is rich in churches that reflect the importance of religion. Well known places are the National Jesuit Museum in Jesus Maria (1618), the Estancia Sta. Catalina (founded 1662), and the Embalse San Roque (lake that supplies Cordoba City with water).
The Folklore Festival in Cosquin and the Rodeo in Jesus Maria, as well as the cattle market and the cattle burning are annual spectacles here.

Example of a week:
You should expect 4-6 hours riding time per day, possibly more to reach the planned destination. Usually there is a longer ride in the morning and a shorter one in the afternoon.

The lovingly furnished rooms reflect the charm of the entire estancia and offer a lot of comfort. Due to the enormous ceiling height, the room climate is also very pleasant in summer. In winter a wood stove or fireplace in the room provides cosy warmth. The owners of the family-run estancia attach great importance to the fact that every guest feels comfortable here.

Saddle & Tack: English with sheepfur, The riding pace is moderate in all gaits.

Experience: for advanced riders and also riders with little experience but basic knowledge.

Horses: The horses, all bred at the estancia, are well trained, well behaved, well groomed and sure-footed. Criollos, Paso Peruanos and crossbreeds. The horses are constantly in use for cattle and farm work.

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In a nutshell

Webcode: IT-ARRT11

Program Type: Farm
Travel Time: All year
Lodging: Estancia, tent camp
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Double, single
Language: English, Spanish
Non Riders: upon request
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 2
Max: 12

All itineraries, prices & dates subject to changes © EQUITOUR International Riding Vacations, Switzerland