Riding in Colombia
Colombia is a melting pot of cultures! Here Spanish customs meet Afro-Caribbean influences. The colonization of the Spanish conquerors and the Africans who came to the "New World" as slaves gave the population of Colombia the diversity for which the country is known today. The country's regions and geographical characteristics are as varied and diverse as its culture. They range from the Amazon rainforest, imposing mountain worlds of the Andes, the coffee zone, Caribbean dream beaches to the Pacific coast. From small colonial villages to the big cities of Bogotá, Medellín or Cartagena. Again and again sprinkled with the relics of a history that goes back a long way.
Bogotá International Airport
Climate/travel time
Due to its proximity to the equator, Colombia has only slight seasonal temperature fluctuations throughout the year, making it very easy to travel all year round. Rain occurs all year round, more often in winter than in summer.
Christmas/January, Easter and July are the main holiday seasons for Colombians and therefore high season.
Food & Drink
Many meat-rich dishes made from beef or chicken are popular. The coastal region also has a lot of fish and seafood. In addition, rice, vegetables, maize flour products and plantains are eaten. Of course there is an abundant supply of fruit and vegetables - from strawberries, bananas, passion fruit and avocados to less well-known fruits such as borojó, mamoncillo, pitahaya or guava.
The typical drink of Colombia is the "Tinto", a mild black coffee with sugar. The national drink of the country is Aguardiente, a sugar cane schnapps. The country's beer is also very good. The first beer brewer in Colombia was - how could it be otherwise - a German in 1889. As is popular throughout South America, Colombia also offers "Chicha", a light alcoholic corn drink.
In estancias and hotels.
Our Rides

Colombia Haciendas Trail | Colombia
Von Hacienda zu Hacienda in den kolumbischen Anden - Die Strecke birgt immer wieder tolle Bergpanoramen und Ausblicke.
Saddle & Tack: Mixed
Price from 3330,- EUR
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Colombia Haciendas Trail | Colombia
8 day trip, AP, 6 riding days
Price from 3330,- EUR
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Colombia Coffee Trail | Colombia

Geniessen Sie exzellenten Kaffee und reiten Sie entdecken Sie auf Paso Finos - Der Ritt führt Sie durch das weltberühmte Kaffeeanbaugebiet und durch das Cócora-Tal mit seinen markanten riesigen Wachspalmen
Saddle & Tack: Mixed
Price from 4445,- EUR
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Colombia Coffee Trail | Colombia
8 day trip, AP, 6 riding days
Price from 4445,- EUR
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