Farm | Esquina Gaucho Week
Riding with the Gauchos, driving horses and cattle and riding over wide plains

Farm | Esquina Gaucho Week
Riding with the Gauchos, driving horses and cattle and riding over wide plains
Webcode: IT-ARSR10
Programmart: Farm
Reisezeit: All year
Unterkunft: Estancia
Verpflegung: Full board
Zimmer: Double, single
Sprache: English, Spanish
Nichtreiter: yes
Kinder: upon request
Eigenes Pferd: no
Gruppengrösse / Mitreiter
Min: 2
Max: 8
2/8 per riding group, total max. 14 guests
Beschreibung & Reiseverlauf
Enjoy life on the estancia and accompany the gauchos in their daily work. You can ride as much as you like. You can help to herd horses together, brand them and vaccinate them. Practice lassoing like a real Argentine gaucho.
You will stay at one of the historic estancias in the Corrientes region outside the town of Esquina - a very remote area that has hardly been touched by civilisation. This is rural Argentina, where the gaucho is a valued and important profession. Saddle up and become part of the daily life on the estancia! The national sport in Argentina is polo. You are welcome to join a few rounds of stick and ball polo on your own polo field - on excellent polo ponies.
Private lessons on request. Various activities and rides are offered for all levels.
Non-riders will be delighted by the immense abundance of birds and other wildlife. The surrounding waters are excellent for fishing.
The cook will be happy to prepare the fish you have caught yourself for dinner. Dinner is usually taken in the large dining room or outside by candlelight. If you would like to learn how to tango, there are even professional dancing instructors available.

Choose your own program!
You can accompany the gauchos in search of horses and cattle, drive them to the Corrals, have lunch at the Estancia. In the afternoon you practice polo or ride through the beautiful, spacious landscape, which gives you a feeling of freedom. The day ends with a cup of tea and a view over the lagoon.
Day 1: You arrive by night bus from Buenos Aires, have a rest or take a walk around the estancia and meet the family for lunch. If you have enough energy, you can also take a first ride in the morning. On the afternoon ride you will explore the plains of the Corrientes region and enjoy a first liberating gallop over wide fields.
Day 2: Today you will experience a completely different landscape. You will ride through the pampas with their wide stretches of water and visit a rural school. Here you will get an intensive impression of the culture of the region. In the afternoon you will ride (or ride in a carriage) through extensive forests and stop at a small grocery store, a "Pulperia", on the way. Here the gauchos take care of themselves and meet for a drink. On the way back, your hosts await you with an afternoon tea on the shore of the lagoon. There will be time to relax and admire the sunset on the horizon.
If you like you can help milking the cows early in the morning. The ranch produces its own milk and cheese.
Day 3 and 4: You will actively accompany and support the gauchos in their tasks (rounding up horses and cattle, marking, vaccinating, etc.) They locate scattered cattle and drive them back to the corrals. Again and again some animals try to escape. They must be driven back to the herd. In the Corral the calves are separated from the cows on horseback and examined. After lunch and a little nap they finish their work and drive the cattle back to the pastures. On day 4 there are opportunities for fishing in the Corrientes and Parana River.
Day 5: You will set off on horseback to the Estancia Don Joaquin. Passing several estancias you will reach your picnic place, an old corral in the middle of the endless landscape. In the afternoon you arrive at Don Joaquin. You will be delighted by the hospitality of the owners and the excellent food. Optional massages can be booked.
Day 6: In the morning you will ride to the nearest town of Esquina and visit it on horseback. Lunch at a nice restaurant on the riverbank and return to the estancia.
Day 7: In the morning you will practice polo with some "stick and ball" exercises or even a little polo game. After lunch you will take the 13:30h bus back to Buenos Aires. If you like, you can stay at the estancia in the afternoon, play another game of polo and only after dinner take the 23:00h night bus back to Buenos Aires (small extra charge).
(Program variable and open to your wishes)
Other available and included activities
Stick and Ball (Polo)
Fishing in the lagoons of the Estancia (equipment available)
guided bird watching, binoculars, bird checklist
Other available activities - extra charge (please ask)
Polo lessons with a 2 goal handicap teacher
Polo match with 4 Chuckers (book at least 15 days in advance)
Boat trip to the sunset, 4 hours, max. 5 persons per boat
Full day for fishing with boat (trolling or spinning) or max. 2 persons for fly fishing
Bird watching with special guide
Tango Lessons
Hunting: Mainly birds (partridge, ducks and pigeons)

Known for its comfort, the ranch is an old estancia in typical Corrientes style, with low ceilings and wide corridors. On site you will find a pool, a solarium, 2 living rooms (one of them with satellite TV), an evening room + thatched roof area (barbecue) ("quincho"), very spacious verandas and a private polo field. Laundry service and WIFI are available at no extra charge.
There are 8 rooms in total: 4 with private bathroom and 4 rooms with adjoining bathroom (1 bathroom for 2 rooms). All rooms are equipped with air conditioning and individual heating.
The meals are composed of regional and international cuisine. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are included in the price.
All meals from lunch on the first day to lunch on the last day are included. Breakfast, afternoon tea and appetizers are varied and rich. Regional lunches and gourmet dinners are offered. The meals are served with wines from renowned wineries. Special requests or intolerances can be taken into consideration by prior arrangement.Alle Mahlzeiten vom Mittagessen am ersten Tag bis zum Mittagessen am letzten Tag sind inbegriffen. Frühstück, Nachmittagstee und Vorspeisen sind vielfältig und reichhaltig. Angeboten werden regionale Mittagessen und Gourmet-Abendessen. Die Mahlzeiten werden mit Weinen von renommierten Weingütern serviert. Nach vorheriger Anmeldung kann gerne auf spezielle Essenswünsche oder Unverträglichkeiten Rücksicht genommen werden.
Pferde, Reiten & Zaumzeug
Criollo Mix and Polo Ponys.
Sattel & Zaum:
Argentine saddles with sheepfur.
Reiterfahrung: We ride in all gaits, but the riding speed is also adapted to the wishes and riding skills of the guests.
Kundenmeinungen & weitere Informationen
Kundenmeinungen, Informationen zum Land (wie z.B. Visabestimmungen) und Wetterinfos finden Sie bei und nur online, da sich diese täglich ändern können. Gehen Sie dafür bitte online auf www.equitour.com/it-arsr10.htm
Preise & Termine
Dates, prices, prestations
Esquina Gaucho Week
Dates |
Services and notations |
Included: 7 Tage/6 Üb. auf der Ranch im DZ oder EZ mit DU/WC, Vollpension inkl. Getränke, 6 Tage Aktivitäten mit Ausritten, Cattle Drives, Horse Round-Ups und Stick and Ball Polo. Arrival / departure: Täglich möglich. Buenos Aires. Not included in package: Transfer ab/an Buenos Aires per Luxus-Nachtbus inkl. Abendessen ca. 200,- EUR / 225,- SFR pro Person. Abfahrt Buenos Aires 21h, Ankunft in Esquina am 1. Tag um 5h morgens. Abreise am 7. Tag um 13.30h oder 23h mit dem Bus zurück nach Buenos Aires. |
Prices |
In a nutshell

Webcode: IT-ARSR10
Program Type: Farm
Travel Time: All year
Lodging: Estancia
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Double, single
Language: English, Spanish
Non Riders: yes
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no
Group Size
Min: 2
Max: 8
2/8 per riding group, total max. 14 guests
Enjoy life on the estancia and accompany the gauchos in their daily work. You can ride as much as you like. You can help to herd horses together, brand them and vaccinate them. Practice lassoing like a real Argentine gaucho.
You will stay at one of the historic estancias in the Corrientes region outside the town of Esquina - a very remote area that has hardly been touched by civilisation. This is rural Argentina, where the gaucho is a valued and important profession. Saddle up and become part of the daily life on the estancia! The national sport in Argentina is polo. You are welcome to join a few rounds of stick and ball polo on your own polo field - on excellent polo ponies.
Private lessons on request. Various activities and rides are offered for all levels.
Non-riders will be delighted by the immense abundance of birds and other wildlife. The surrounding waters are excellent for fishing.
The cook will be happy to prepare the fish you have caught yourself for dinner. Dinner is usually taken in the large dining room or outside by candlelight. If you would like to learn how to tango, there are even professional dancing instructors available.
Choose your own program!You can accompany the gauchos in search of horses and cattle, drive them to the Corrals, have lunch at the Estancia. In the afternoon you practice polo or ride through the beautiful, spacious landscape, which gives you a feeling of freedom. The day ends with a cup of tea and a view over the lagoon.
Day 1: You arrive by night bus from Buenos Aires, have a rest or take a walk around the estancia and meet the family for lunch. If you have enough energy, you can also take a first ride in the morning. On the afternoon ride you will explore the plains of the Corrientes region and enjoy a first liberating gallop over wide fields.
Day 2: Today you will experience a completely different landscape. You will ride through the pampas with their wide stretches of water and visit a rural school. Here you will get an intensive impression of the culture of the region. In the afternoon you will ride (or ride in a carriage) through extensive forests and stop at a small grocery store, a "Pulperia", on the way. Here the gauchos take care of themselves and meet for a drink. On the way back, your hosts await you with an afternoon tea on the shore of the lagoon. There will be time to relax and admire the sunset on the horizon.
If you like you can help milking the cows early in the morning. The ranch produces its own milk and cheese.
Day 3 and 4: You will actively accompany and support the gauchos in their tasks (rounding up horses and cattle, marking, vaccinating, etc.) They locate scattered cattle and drive them back to the corrals. Again and again some animals try to escape. They must be driven back to the herd. In the Corral the calves are separated from the cows on horseback and examined. After lunch and a little nap they finish their work and drive the cattle back to the pastures. On day 4 there are opportunities for fishing in the Corrientes and Parana River.
Day 5: You will set off on horseback to the Estancia Don Joaquin. Passing several estancias you will reach your picnic place, an old corral in the middle of the endless landscape. In the afternoon you arrive at Don Joaquin. You will be delighted by the hospitality of the owners and the excellent food. Optional massages can be booked.
Day 6: In the morning you will ride to the nearest town of Esquina and visit it on horseback. Lunch at a nice restaurant on the riverbank and return to the estancia.
Day 7: In the morning you will practice polo with some "stick and ball" exercises or even a little polo game. After lunch you will take the 13:30h bus back to Buenos Aires. If you like, you can stay at the estancia in the afternoon, play another game of polo and only after dinner take the 23:00h night bus back to Buenos Aires (small extra charge).
(Program variable and open to your wishes)
Other available and included activities
Stick and Ball (Polo)
Fishing in the lagoons of the Estancia (equipment available)
guided bird watching, binoculars, bird checklist
Other available activities - extra charge (please ask)
Polo lessons with a 2 goal handicap teacher
Polo match with 4 Chuckers (book at least 15 days in advance)
Boat trip to the sunset, 4 hours, max. 5 persons per boat
Full day for fishing with boat (trolling or spinning) or max. 2 persons for fly fishing
Bird watching with special guide
Tango Lessons
Hunting: Mainly birds (partridge, ducks and pigeons)
Known for its comfort, the ranch is an old estancia in typical Corrientes style, with low ceilings and wide corridors. On site you will find a pool, a solarium, 2 living rooms (one of them with satellite TV), an evening room + thatched roof area (barbecue) ("quincho"), very spacious verandas and a private polo field. Laundry service and WIFI are available at no extra charge.
There are 8 rooms in total: 4 with private bathroom and 4 rooms with adjoining bathroom (1 bathroom for 2 rooms). All rooms are equipped with air conditioning and individual heating.
The meals are composed of regional and international cuisine. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are included in the price.
All meals from lunch on the first day to lunch on the last day are included. Breakfast, afternoon tea and appetizers are varied and rich. Regional lunches and gourmet dinners are offered. The meals are served with wines from renowned wineries. Special requests or intolerances can be taken into consideration by prior arrangement.Alle Mahlzeiten vom Mittagessen am ersten Tag bis zum Mittagessen am letzten Tag sind inbegriffen. Frühstück, Nachmittagstee und Vorspeisen sind vielfältig und reichhaltig. Angeboten werden regionale Mittagessen und Gourmet-Abendessen. Die Mahlzeiten werden mit Weinen von renommierten Weingütern serviert. Nach vorheriger Anmeldung kann gerne auf spezielle Essenswünsche oder Unverträglichkeiten Rücksicht genommen werden.
Saddle & Tack: Argentine saddles with sheepfur.
Experience: We ride in all gaits, but the riding speed is also adapted to the wishes and riding skills of the guests.
Horses: Criollo Mix and Polo Ponys.

In a nutshell

Webcode: IT-ARSR10
Program Type: Farm
Travel Time: All year
Lodging: Estancia
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Double, single
Language: English, Spanish
Non Riders: yes
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no
Group Size
Min: 2
Max: 8
2/8 per riding group, total max. 14 guests
All itineraries, prices & dates subject to changes © EQUITOUR International Riding Vacations, Switzerland