Cattle Drives and Roundups | Two Creek Cattle Ranch

Cattle drives and round ups throughout the year (5 - 13 days)

Cattle Drives and Roundups | Two Creek Cattle Ranch

Cattle drives and round ups throughout the year (5 - 13 days)

Cattle Drives and Roundups | Two Creek Cattle Ranch

Cattle drives and round ups throughout the year (5 - 13 days)


Webcode: CDWY06

Programmart: Cattle Drives and Roundups
Reisezeit: Apr-May, Jul-Oct
Unterkunft: Ranch & Camp
Verpflegung: Full board
Zimmer: Single, double, tent
Sprache: English
Nichtreiter: no
Kinder: upon request
Eigenes Pferd: no

Gruppengrösse / Mitreiter
Min: 3
Max: 12

Unser Tipp

Here you get to know the authentic rancher life and meet new people!

Beschreibung & Reiseverlauf

An authentic, family-run cattle farm awaits you. The winter and spring pastures are located 13 km south of Douglas near the North Platte River and are crossed by the LaBonte River and Wagonhound Creek. The two summer pastures are located in the Laramie Plains, 24 and 120 km from Douglas respectively. The famous Oregon Trail also runs through this area. From April to October you can help round up, group, guide and load cattle. If you want to experience a real cowboy adventure in the prairie with campfire evenings and can do without comfort, this is the place to be!



Spring Cattle Drive:
This cattle drive leads about 75 miles to the summer pastures in the Laramie Plains. You will use the days to drive the cattle from the spring grazing grounds to the ranch. You will spend a few nights at the ranch in the bunkhouse, including the first one. The suckler cows are sorted at the beginning. Then the cook and the trailers join the cattle drive, so that the riders are also taken care of. Every day the herd of usually about 1000 heads is driven about 10-12 miles with a midday rest for cattle, horses and riders. They follow the old Fort Fetterman Freight Trail to the Laramie Plains. One day is used to sort the cattle and you will spend the night on the prairie. You will need a sleeping bag for this experience, as some nights will be camping.

Autumn Cattle Drive:
The fall cattle drive takes place in the Laramie Plains. As with the spring shoot, the cattle are brought home for about 75 miles to winter in reverse order. In the fall, the herd is a little smaller, as the bull calves are already sold, but it is still over 1000 animals! Usually the herd can be moved more easily because the cows know the way home. The first nights you stay in the camp (trailer) and some nights you camp or are accommodated on the ranch in the bunkhouse. Round Ups:
The work involved varies depending on the travel time:

End of April: If you love spring and the awakening of nature, this date is suitable for you. You will round up 650 suckler cows and their calves and drive 16 to 25 km to their spring pasture where fresh green grass awaits them. Several smaller groups will be formed, as calves cannot move so quickly. They will cross the Bonte Creek River and cross a ridge.

Beginning of May: During this week the cattle are branded. On the ranch this is the most important event of the year and all the neighbours also help. The distilling is done in the traditional way, which means that the calves are caught from the horse with lassos. You are invited to witness this event!

End of May: At this time the cattle are driven over a distance of about 120 km to the summer pastures in the Laramie Plains. First the cattle have to be brought from the spring pastures to the ranch so that you can spend the first nights there. Then you cover 16 to 24 km per day, of course with breaks for people and animals. You will spend the nights on the way in a camp. There is a cook and a support vehicle. The old Fort Fetterman Freight Trail leads you to the Laramie Plains. Another day passes until the animals are sorted into groups and you spend the night in the Little House of the Prairie. You will need a sleeping bag for the four nights in camp.

Mid-July: Cows and calves are now rounded up and taken to new pastures. The bulls are separated from the other animals. You ride in the Laramie Plains, on your ranch and the Laramie River Ranch. You will be accommodated in a comfortable camp.

Early August: The young cows (heifers) are herded into a corral to see if they are expecting a calf. Then they are taken to new pastures. During this time you can also help out at the nearby ranch and drive cattle from the spring of Hamilton Springs to the river Sheep Creek. Accommodation in a comfortable camp.

Early September: At this time the young animals are prepared for sale. Cows and calves are herded together and then the calves are separated from their mothers. The young animals are then weighed, ear tagged and separated by sex before they are sent on their journey. Usually you will spend the night in a camp, once at the ranch.

End of September: Now it is time to sell the bull calves. They are driven about 16 km to a corral where they are weighed and loaded. A few days pass with other work, then the mother animals are brought back to the pastures. They spend the night in a camp in the Laramie Plains.

Mid-End of October: In the Laramie Plains and at the Laramie River Ranch the cattle are driven home from the summer pastures. There are not as many animals as in spring (because of the missing calves), but still about 1000 head. They spend four nights in camp, the rest at the ranch. The weather is everything at this time of year, from rain to sunshine to snow. But the nature is especially beautiful in the so-called Indian Summer!

Every appointment is a unique cowboy adventure in unbelievable vastness that you never forget!

Subject to change without notice!



You will stay at the ranch in the lodge with shared bathroom or in cabins with 6 beds and shared bathroom.
This is more of a rustic family accommodation.

Pferde, Reiten & Zaumzeug

Pferde: Quarter-Mix.

Sattel & Zaum: Western saddles and bridles.

Reiterfahrung: From about 2-3 years of riding experience, moderate pace, but sometimes very long riding days, therefore fitness is necessary. Comfortable in all gaits.

Kundenmeinungen & weitere Informationen

Kundenmeinungen, Informationen zum Land (wie z.B. Visabestimmungen) und Wetterinfos finden Sie bei und nur online, da sich diese täglich ändern können. Gehen Sie dafür bitte online auf


Preise & Termine

Dates, prices, prestations

Two Creek Cattle Ranch

Space available? Click on a date and book online! Red: fully booked!


Two Creek Ranch Round Ups

25.07. - 29.07.

Two Creek Ranch

24.04. - 30.04.

01.08. - 07.08.

Two Creek Ranch

01.09. - 08.09.

21.09. - 28.09.

Two Creek Cattle Drives 12 days

20.05. - 31.05.

20.10. - 31.10.

20.05.26 - 31.05.26

20.10.26 - 31.10.26

Services and notations

Included: 12 (8/7/5) Tage/11 (7/6/4) Üb. auf der Ranch oder im Camp, VP, Reiten gem. Programm, Engl. spr. Reitführung.

Arrival / departure: Je nach Termin. Transferzeiten und -preise auf Anfrage, Flugbuchung erst nach Rückbestätigung!

Casper (110km entfernt).

Not included in package: 9% Steuern, Transfer von Casper, Schlafsack (bitte mitbringen).




UK £



5 day Ranch, AP





7 day Ranch, AP





8 day Ranch,





Two Creek Cattle Drive, 12 day trip, AP




Prices per person, not including travel

Spezielle Ernährungswünsche wie vegetarisch sind nicht möglich.

In a nutshell

Webcode: CDWY06

Program Type: Cattle Drives and Roundups
Travel Time: Apr-May, Jul-Oct
Lodging: Ranch & Camp
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Single, double, tent
Language: English
Non Riders: no
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 3
Max: 12

Our Tipp

Here you get to know the authentic rancher life and meet new people!

Your Expert:


An authentic, family-run cattle farm awaits you. The winter and spring pastures are located 13 km south of Douglas near the North Platte River and are crossed by the LaBonte River and Wagonhound Creek. The two summer pastures are located in the Laramie Plains, 24 and 120 km from Douglas respectively. The famous Oregon Trail also runs through this area. From April to October you can help round up, group, guide and load cattle. If you want to experience a real cowboy adventure in the prairie with campfire evenings and can do without comfort, this is the place to be!


Spring Cattle Drive:
This cattle drive leads about 75 miles to the summer pastures in the Laramie Plains. You will use the days to drive the cattle from the spring grazing grounds to the ranch. You will spend a few nights at the ranch in the bunkhouse, including the first one. The suckler cows are sorted at the beginning. Then the cook and the trailers join the cattle drive, so that the riders are also taken care of. Every day the herd of usually about 1000 heads is driven about 10-12 miles with a midday rest for cattle, horses and riders. They follow the old Fort Fetterman Freight Trail to the Laramie Plains. One day is used to sort the cattle and you will spend the night on the prairie. You will need a sleeping bag for this experience, as some nights will be camping.

Autumn Cattle Drive:
The fall cattle drive takes place in the Laramie Plains. As with the spring shoot, the cattle are brought home for about 75 miles to winter in reverse order. In the fall, the herd is a little smaller, as the bull calves are already sold, but it is still over 1000 animals! Usually the herd can be moved more easily because the cows know the way home. The first nights you stay in the camp (trailer) and some nights you camp or are accommodated on the ranch in the bunkhouse. Round Ups:
The work involved varies depending on the travel time:

End of April: If you love spring and the awakening of nature, this date is suitable for you. You will round up 650 suckler cows and their calves and drive 16 to 25 km to their spring pasture where fresh green grass awaits them. Several smaller groups will be formed, as calves cannot move so quickly. They will cross the Bonte Creek River and cross a ridge.

Beginning of May: During this week the cattle are branded. On the ranch this is the most important event of the year and all the neighbours also help. The distilling is done in the traditional way, which means that the calves are caught from the horse with lassos. You are invited to witness this event!

End of May: At this time the cattle are driven over a distance of about 120 km to the summer pastures in the Laramie Plains. First the cattle have to be brought from the spring pastures to the ranch so that you can spend the first nights there. Then you cover 16 to 24 km per day, of course with breaks for people and animals. You will spend the nights on the way in a camp. There is a cook and a support vehicle. The old Fort Fetterman Freight Trail leads you to the Laramie Plains. Another day passes until the animals are sorted into groups and you spend the night in the Little House of the Prairie. You will need a sleeping bag for the four nights in camp.

Mid-July: Cows and calves are now rounded up and taken to new pastures. The bulls are separated from the other animals. You ride in the Laramie Plains, on your ranch and the Laramie River Ranch. You will be accommodated in a comfortable camp.

Early August: The young cows (heifers) are herded into a corral to see if they are expecting a calf. Then they are taken to new pastures. During this time you can also help out at the nearby ranch and drive cattle from the spring of Hamilton Springs to the river Sheep Creek. Accommodation in a comfortable camp.

Early September: At this time the young animals are prepared for sale. Cows and calves are herded together and then the calves are separated from their mothers. The young animals are then weighed, ear tagged and separated by sex before they are sent on their journey. Usually you will spend the night in a camp, once at the ranch.

End of September: Now it is time to sell the bull calves. They are driven about 16 km to a corral where they are weighed and loaded. A few days pass with other work, then the mother animals are brought back to the pastures. They spend the night in a camp in the Laramie Plains.

Mid-End of October: In the Laramie Plains and at the Laramie River Ranch the cattle are driven home from the summer pastures. There are not as many animals as in spring (because of the missing calves), but still about 1000 head. They spend four nights in camp, the rest at the ranch. The weather is everything at this time of year, from rain to sunshine to snow. But the nature is especially beautiful in the so-called Indian Summer!

Every appointment is a unique cowboy adventure in unbelievable vastness that you never forget!

Subject to change without notice!

You will stay at the ranch in the lodge with shared bathroom or in cabins with 6 beds and shared bathroom.
This is more of a rustic family accommodation.

Saddle & Tack: Western saddles and bridles.

Experience: From about 2-3 years of riding experience, moderate pace, but sometimes very long riding days, therefore fitness is necessary. Comfortable in all gaits.

Horses: Quarter-Mix.

In a nutshell

Webcode: CDWY06

Program Type: Cattle Drives and Roundups
Travel Time: Apr-May, Jul-Oct
Lodging: Ranch & Camp
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Single, double, tent
Language: English
Non Riders: no
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 3
Max: 12

Our Tipp

Here you get to know the authentic rancher life and meet new people!

All itineraries, prices & dates subject to changes © EQUITOUR International Riding Vacations, Switzerland