Horse Drive | Owens Valley Horse Drive

Drive 80 horses and mules through the wilderness

Horse Drive | Owens Valley Horse Drive

Drive 80 horses and mules through the wilderness

Horse Drive | Owens Valley Horse Drive

Drive 80 horses and mules through the wilderness


Webcode: HDCA01

Programmart: Horse Drive
Reisezeit: Jun, Sep
Unterkunft: Camp
Verpflegung: Full board
Zimmer: Tent
Sprache: English
Nichtreiter: no
Kinder: upon request
Eigenes Pferd: no

Gruppengrösse / Mitreiter
Min: 10
Max: 20


Beschreibung & Reiseverlauf

Join the cowboys as they herd 80 horses and mules from the winter pasture in the Owens Valley over 130 km to their summer home in the High Sierra or vice versa. The rides start early in the morning to take advantage of the cool hours of the day. The good food is served from the covered wagon. Each guest has his own horse for the duration of the ride. This Horse Drive is rather quiet, also because of the pack horses that accompany you, but you should still have some riding experience.
For many years there have been horse drives in spring and autumn. Start is early in the morning, but you will arrive at the camps in the early afternoon. These are quite comfortable and sometimes you have the opportunity to swim in rivers or lakes. The cook prepares delicious meals, which you can also enjoy around the campfire.

Experience a very special adventure on horseback in the California wilderness!



Spring ride (5 days, 4 nights):
Arrival at Rock Creek by 4:30 pm and transfer to camp. Dinner and meeting. The next four days are a real Western adventure, from which you will be back in Rock Creek on Tuesday afternoon with the whole herd. The last dinner together takes place in Bishop. You can either leave in the afternoon or stay for the farewell dinner (not included) and book a room in Bishop. The perfect end to your riding adventure!

Autumn ride (4 days, 3 nights):
Pick up at 6:30 a.m. in Bishop (arrival the day before & extra night necessary, exclusive). You will be taken to Rock Creek before breakfast. Four wonderful days in the saddle follow. The ride ends on Tuesday after lunch. Around 16:00 you will be back in Bishop. If you stay for the farewell dinner (exclusive), you should book an extra night in Bishop. This way you can end the Horse Drive experience in a convivial atmosphere.

Example of a tour for the spring ride:
Arrival on Friday until 17:00 hrs in Rock Creek. Meeting point is at the lower corral of the Pack Station (where the ride ends).

Day 1: Thibaut Field to Big Pine
Breakfast at daybreak and departure at the Corral around 7:00 am. The first four miles you follow an aqueduct and get used to your horse. The ride continues on the east side of the Owens River. Here and there grass, sagebrush and smaller trees grow. Overall the landscape is barren and dusty. At about 10:30 am you will have a break on the banks of the Owens River and enjoy your lunch. If you´ve had enough of riding, you can take the afternoon off and bathe in the warm springs of Baker Creek. The afternoon ride takes about four hours, passing Tinnemaha Reservoir and heading up the valley. A strenuous but unforgettable experience at about 40 degrees in the shade. After the ride you can relax in the huge pool of the Keoughs Hot Springs. Today the camp is located at Big Pine Creek.

Day 2: Zurich to Bishop
Left again at dawn. For four hours you ride along the foothills of the Inyo Mountains. You will enjoy fantastic views of the Palisade Glacier and the Sierra Nevada. You follow an old railway line and pass the ruins of old farms and ranches in the Owens Valley. After lunch you cross the 395, always one of the highlights of the tour. If you´ve had enough of riding for today, you can go to camp now. On horseback we pass Bishop another three hours south. The camp is located at Millpond Lake. Today we celebrate Father´s Day with guitar music and lots of ice cream and cake.

Day 3: Bishop to Swall Meadows
You follow the old cattle drive through the Round Valley and start the climb at Old Sherwin Grade, an original covered wagon track. The sagebrushes give way to a pine forest. The last night is spent in the Jeffrey Pine Forest, which is criss-crossed by many small streams that rise just above the camp. From here the view reaches far to the White Mountains and you overlook the route through the Owens and Round Valley, where you came here.

Day 4: Swall Meadows to Upper Rock Creek
You ride uphill through Sand Canyon and follow the original covered wagon route back to Rock Creek Lake. In less than two hours you will reach an altitude of almost 3,000 m and be surrounded by mountain meadows and snow-capped peaks. After a relaxing lunch, ride to the East Fork of Rock Creek and from there follow the trail to the lower Corral. Arrival at the cars around 15:00. At 18:00 the common farewell dinner is held in Bishop.

Autumn ride in the opposite direction.



Single, double and family tents are available. If you wish, you can also bring your own tent. Horse with equipment and all camping equipment is provided. You only need to bring your own sleeping bag.

Pferde, Reiten & Zaumzeug

Pferde: Western horses of different breeds.

Sattel & Zaum: Western saddles and bridles.

Reiterfahrung: For advanced beginners. Moderate pace with trot and canter possibilities.

Kundenmeinungen & weitere Informationen

Kundenmeinungen, Informationen zum Land (wie z.B. Visabestimmungen) und Wetterinfos finden Sie bei und nur online, da sich diese täglich ändern können. Gehen Sie dafür bitte online auf


Preise & Termine

Dates, prices, prestations

Owens Valley Horse Drive

Space available? Click on a date and book online! Red: fully booked!


Services and notations

Included: Frühjahrs Horse-Drives: 5 Tage/4 Üb., Camping, VP ausser 1 AE, 4 Reittage sowie 1 Üb. mit AE vor dem Ritt inklusive. Herbst-Horse-Drives: 4 Tage/3 Üb., Camping, VP ausser 1 Abendessen, 4 Reittage.

Arrival / departure: Je nach Termin. Transfer von Mammoth Lakes nach Bishop per Taxi. Von Reno per Bus nach Bishop. Besser Anreise per Mietwagen! Transferzeiten und -preise auf Anfrage, Flugbuchung erst nach Rückbestätigung!

Mammoth Lakes, Reno.

Not included in package: Trinkgelder,11% Steuern, Schlafsack und Isomatte.


Spezielle Ernährungswünsche wie glutenfrei oder vegetarisch können auf dieser Tour leider nicht berücksichtigt werden.

In a nutshell

Webcode: HDCA01

Program Type: Horse Drive
Travel Time: Jun, Sep
Lodging: Camp
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Tent
Language: English
Non Riders: no
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 10
Max: 20

Join the cowboys as they herd 80 horses and mules from the winter pasture in the Owens Valley over 130 km to their summer home in the High Sierra or vice versa. The rides start early in the morning to take advantage of the cool hours of the day. The good food is served from the covered wagon. Each guest has his own horse for the duration of the ride. This Horse Drive is rather quiet, also because of the pack horses that accompany you, but you should still have some riding experience.
For many years there have been horse drives in spring and autumn. Start is early in the morning, but you will arrive at the camps in the early afternoon. These are quite comfortable and sometimes you have the opportunity to swim in rivers or lakes. The cook prepares delicious meals, which you can also enjoy around the campfire.

Experience a very special adventure on horseback in the California wilderness!


Spring ride (5 days, 4 nights):
Arrival at Rock Creek by 4:30 pm and transfer to camp. Dinner and meeting. The next four days are a real Western adventure, from which you will be back in Rock Creek on Tuesday afternoon with the whole herd. The last dinner together takes place in Bishop. You can either leave in the afternoon or stay for the farewell dinner (not included) and book a room in Bishop. The perfect end to your riding adventure!

Autumn ride (4 days, 3 nights):
Pick up at 6:30 a.m. in Bishop (arrival the day before & extra night necessary, exclusive). You will be taken to Rock Creek before breakfast. Four wonderful days in the saddle follow. The ride ends on Tuesday after lunch. Around 16:00 you will be back in Bishop. If you stay for the farewell dinner (exclusive), you should book an extra night in Bishop. This way you can end the Horse Drive experience in a convivial atmosphere.

Example of a tour for the spring ride:
Arrival on Friday until 17:00 hrs in Rock Creek. Meeting point is at the lower corral of the Pack Station (where the ride ends).

Day 1: Thibaut Field to Big Pine
Breakfast at daybreak and departure at the Corral around 7:00 am. The first four miles you follow an aqueduct and get used to your horse. The ride continues on the east side of the Owens River. Here and there grass, sagebrush and smaller trees grow. Overall the landscape is barren and dusty. At about 10:30 am you will have a break on the banks of the Owens River and enjoy your lunch. If you´ve had enough of riding, you can take the afternoon off and bathe in the warm springs of Baker Creek. The afternoon ride takes about four hours, passing Tinnemaha Reservoir and heading up the valley. A strenuous but unforgettable experience at about 40 degrees in the shade. After the ride you can relax in the huge pool of the Keoughs Hot Springs. Today the camp is located at Big Pine Creek.

Day 2: Zurich to Bishop
Left again at dawn. For four hours you ride along the foothills of the Inyo Mountains. You will enjoy fantastic views of the Palisade Glacier and the Sierra Nevada. You follow an old railway line and pass the ruins of old farms and ranches in the Owens Valley. After lunch you cross the 395, always one of the highlights of the tour. If you´ve had enough of riding for today, you can go to camp now. On horseback we pass Bishop another three hours south. The camp is located at Millpond Lake. Today we celebrate Father´s Day with guitar music and lots of ice cream and cake.

Day 3: Bishop to Swall Meadows
You follow the old cattle drive through the Round Valley and start the climb at Old Sherwin Grade, an original covered wagon track. The sagebrushes give way to a pine forest. The last night is spent in the Jeffrey Pine Forest, which is criss-crossed by many small streams that rise just above the camp. From here the view reaches far to the White Mountains and you overlook the route through the Owens and Round Valley, where you came here.

Day 4: Swall Meadows to Upper Rock Creek
You ride uphill through Sand Canyon and follow the original covered wagon route back to Rock Creek Lake. In less than two hours you will reach an altitude of almost 3,000 m and be surrounded by mountain meadows and snow-capped peaks. After a relaxing lunch, ride to the East Fork of Rock Creek and from there follow the trail to the lower Corral. Arrival at the cars around 15:00. At 18:00 the common farewell dinner is held in Bishop.

Autumn ride in the opposite direction.

Single, double and family tents are available. If you wish, you can also bring your own tent. Horse with equipment and all camping equipment is provided. You only need to bring your own sleeping bag.

Saddle & Tack: Western saddles and bridles.

Experience: For advanced beginners. Moderate pace with trot and canter possibilities.

Horses: Western horses of different breeds.

In a nutshell

Webcode: HDCA01

Program Type: Horse Drive
Travel Time: Jun, Sep
Lodging: Camp
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Tent
Language: English
Non Riders: no
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 10
Max: 20

All itineraries, prices & dates subject to changes © EQUITOUR International Riding Vacations, Switzerland