Trail | The treasures of Borgarfjördur

The largest hot spring in Iceland on a ride through breathtaking mountains

Trail | The treasures of Borgarfjördur

The largest hot spring in Iceland on a ride through breathtaking mountains

Trail | The treasures of Borgarfjördur

The largest hot spring in Iceland on a ride through breathtaking mountains


Webcode: BGF008

Programmart: Trail
Reisezeit: Jun - Aug
Unterkunft: Guesthouse
Verpflegung: Full board
Zimmer: double, dorm
Sprache: English
Nichtreiter: upon request
Kinder: upon request
Eigenes Pferd: no

Gruppengrösse / Mitreiter
Min: 10
Max: 15

Unser Tipp

Our wellness trail for water lovers: Riding through the river valleys during the day and relaxing in the thermal bath in the evening...

Beschreibung & Reiseverlauf

The district of Borgarfjördur in the west of Iceland is known for its many springs of thermal water and as the setting for many Icelandic legends. The ride starts in Borgarnes and you will ride on excellent bridle paths in varied landscapes, crossing rivers and riding along soft riverbanks. You will explore the forest of Húsafell and ride along mountain paths between green valleys with magnificent views of the surrounding landscape, mighty rivers and glaciers. You will visit the famous Hraunfossar waterfalls on the edge of a vast lava field and the historic centre of Reykholt. Borgarfjördur has several first class spas to offer, so you can go swimming every evening. Accommodation is provided throughout the tour at Logaland community centre in the picturesque valley of Reykholtsdalur. The horses stay in a different paddock every night and you will have a short transfer to/from the horses in the morning and evening - a trail without packing your bags.



Day 1: Transfer from Reykjavík to the horse farm in southwest Iceland. Dinner together and tour briefing. Overnight stay in the guesthouse in 2 to 6 bedded rooms.

Day 2: After breakfast you will travel by minibus to Borgarnes on the west coast of Iceland, south of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. Here the horses await you and you start your ride over soft bridle paths. You ride over the Ferjubakkabrú bridge, past the horse and cattle pastures and up to Midfossar, from where you have a view over the entire district of Borgafjördur in good weather. After a nice riding day you relax in the swimming pool. Afterwards you drive to Logaland, where you will spend the next five nights. Riding stage: about 25 km.

Day 3: Short transfer back to the horses at the farm in Midfossar. You ride along the mountain Hestfjall (Horse Mountain) and pass the farm Hestur, one of the most important state horse breeding farms in Iceland. Afterwards we cross the river Grímsá and continue along the banks of the river Reykjadalsá and through the green valley of Reykholtsdalur. Today´s destination is Logaland. In the evening you will visit the nearby Kleppjárnslaug thermal spa, where you can enjoy the steam baths after a long day´s riding. Riding stage: about 36 km.

Day 4: You continue to follow Reykholtsdalur and the river Reykjadalsá on a beautiful bridle path. You cross the river about ten times before you reach the bridle path from Húsafell. This leads you through an enchanted forest, a rare sight in Iceland. Low, gnarled deciduous trees brave wind and weather here. The ground is full of moss and volcanic rock. The ride finally ends at the popular swimming pool of Húsafell with jacuzzis and slide. Before you return to Logaland you have time for a swim. Riding stage: about 34 km.

Day 5: Transfer to the horses and ride around the pyramid-shaped mountain Strútur with a beautiful view to the volcano Eiríksjökull, covered by a large glacier. The landscape is characterized by wide, black-green lava fields. The last stage leads once again through the forest of Húsafell to the farm of the same name, where the horses stay. Return to the Húsafell swimming pool for another swim. In the afternoon a sightseeing tour awaits you: you will drive to the Hraunfossar waterfalls and on to the Reykholt Cultural Centre, consisting of a historic farm. The farm was once home to Snorri Sturluson, a famous Icelandic historian and politician. Here you can visit the local museum and chapel. Riding stage: about 30 km.

Day 6: Once again you will ride through the beautiful and fertile Reykholtsdalur with its rivers and green meadows. Later you will ride over the Brennistadaháls ridge, from where you will enjoy a unique view over the whole valley to the west coast. Thanks to the good conditions, there are several farms in the region, combined with good bridle paths. The horses stay on a meadow on the other side of the ridge and the riders return to Logaland as usual with a bathing stop. Riding stage approx. 28 km.

Day 7: You saddle your horses and leave the herd behind for your last ride. You follow the valley Flókadalur along the river Flóka. The picturesque lush valley offers excellent riding trails. You continue through Varmalaekar and past the mountain Varmalaekjarmúli (350 m). In the afternoon horses and riders return to the riding school. After a coffee break you will return to Reykjavík where you will arrive at about 17.00 hrs.

Subject to changes.



On the first day you will stay overnight in 2 to 4 bedded rooms in the cosy guesthouse at the riding stable. Dinner and breakfast are served in the beautiful hotel restaurant.

The next five nights you spend in a community centre (sleeping bag accommodation).

Pferde, Reiten & Zaumzeug

Pferde: Icelandic horses. They ride on five days with free running herd.

Sattel & Zaum: Icelandic Trekking saddles and bridles.

Reiterfahrung: You have to be comfortable in all gaits and have a good level of fitness, because with a free-running herd the pace is faster. Previous experience in tölt is not necessary. Daily riding time 4- 7 hours.

Kundenmeinungen & weitere Informationen

Kundenmeinungen, Informationen zum Land (wie z.B. Visabestimmungen) und Wetterinfos finden Sie bei und nur online, da sich diese täglich ändern können. Gehen Sie dafür bitte online auf


Preise & Termine

Dates, prices, prestations

The treasures of Borgarfjördur

Space available? Click on a date and book online! Red: fully booked!


28.06. - 04.07.

Services and notations

Included: 7 Tage, 6 Übernachtungen in Doppel- und Mehrbettzimmern sowie Schlafsaal, 5 Reittage, VP, Englisch und/oder Deutsch sprechende Reitführung.

Arrival / departure: Ankunft bis 16 Uhr. Sammeltransfer ab Reykjavik Stadt um ca. 17:30 Uhr. Rückflug ab ca. 21 Uhr.

Reykjavik (KEF).

Not included in package: Alkoholische Getränke und Softdrinks, Flughafenbus ab/an Reykjavik, Abendessen am letzten Tag in Reykjavik.  




UK £



Borgarfjördur, 7 d., AP,share




Prices per person, not including travel

Einzelzimmer nicht verfügbar. Ermässigung für Jugendliche bis einschl. 14 Jahre: 20%.

In a nutshell

Webcode: BGF008

Program Type: Trail
Travel Time: Jun - Aug
Lodging: Guesthouse
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: double, dorm
Language: English
Non Riders: upon request
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 10
Max: 15

Our Tipp

Our wellness trail for water lovers: Riding through the river valleys during the day and relaxing in the thermal bath in the evening...

Your Expert:


The district of Borgarfjördur in the west of Iceland is known for its many springs of thermal water and as the setting for many Icelandic legends. The ride starts in Borgarnes and you will ride on excellent bridle paths in varied landscapes, crossing rivers and riding along soft riverbanks. You will explore the forest of Húsafell and ride along mountain paths between green valleys with magnificent views of the surrounding landscape, mighty rivers and glaciers. You will visit the famous Hraunfossar waterfalls on the edge of a vast lava field and the historic centre of Reykholt. Borgarfjördur has several first class spas to offer, so you can go swimming every evening. Accommodation is provided throughout the tour at Logaland community centre in the picturesque valley of Reykholtsdalur. The horses stay in a different paddock every night and you will have a short transfer to/from the horses in the morning and evening - a trail without packing your bags.


Day 1: Transfer from Reykjavík to the horse farm in southwest Iceland. Dinner together and tour briefing. Overnight stay in the guesthouse in 2 to 6 bedded rooms.

Day 2: After breakfast you will travel by minibus to Borgarnes on the west coast of Iceland, south of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. Here the horses await you and you start your ride over soft bridle paths. You ride over the Ferjubakkabrú bridge, past the horse and cattle pastures and up to Midfossar, from where you have a view over the entire district of Borgafjördur in good weather. After a nice riding day you relax in the swimming pool. Afterwards you drive to Logaland, where you will spend the next five nights. Riding stage: about 25 km.

Day 3: Short transfer back to the horses at the farm in Midfossar. You ride along the mountain Hestfjall (Horse Mountain) and pass the farm Hestur, one of the most important state horse breeding farms in Iceland. Afterwards we cross the river Grímsá and continue along the banks of the river Reykjadalsá and through the green valley of Reykholtsdalur. Today´s destination is Logaland. In the evening you will visit the nearby Kleppjárnslaug thermal spa, where you can enjoy the steam baths after a long day´s riding. Riding stage: about 36 km.

Day 4: You continue to follow Reykholtsdalur and the river Reykjadalsá on a beautiful bridle path. You cross the river about ten times before you reach the bridle path from Húsafell. This leads you through an enchanted forest, a rare sight in Iceland. Low, gnarled deciduous trees brave wind and weather here. The ground is full of moss and volcanic rock. The ride finally ends at the popular swimming pool of Húsafell with jacuzzis and slide. Before you return to Logaland you have time for a swim. Riding stage: about 34 km.

Day 5: Transfer to the horses and ride around the pyramid-shaped mountain Strútur with a beautiful view to the volcano Eiríksjökull, covered by a large glacier. The landscape is characterized by wide, black-green lava fields. The last stage leads once again through the forest of Húsafell to the farm of the same name, where the horses stay. Return to the Húsafell swimming pool for another swim. In the afternoon a sightseeing tour awaits you: you will drive to the Hraunfossar waterfalls and on to the Reykholt Cultural Centre, consisting of a historic farm. The farm was once home to Snorri Sturluson, a famous Icelandic historian and politician. Here you can visit the local museum and chapel. Riding stage: about 30 km.

Day 6: Once again you will ride through the beautiful and fertile Reykholtsdalur with its rivers and green meadows. Later you will ride over the Brennistadaháls ridge, from where you will enjoy a unique view over the whole valley to the west coast. Thanks to the good conditions, there are several farms in the region, combined with good bridle paths. The horses stay on a meadow on the other side of the ridge and the riders return to Logaland as usual with a bathing stop. Riding stage approx. 28 km.

Day 7: You saddle your horses and leave the herd behind for your last ride. You follow the valley Flókadalur along the river Flóka. The picturesque lush valley offers excellent riding trails. You continue through Varmalaekar and past the mountain Varmalaekjarmúli (350 m). In the afternoon horses and riders return to the riding school. After a coffee break you will return to Reykjavík where you will arrive at about 17.00 hrs.

Subject to changes.

On the first day you will stay overnight in 2 to 4 bedded rooms in the cosy guesthouse at the riding stable. Dinner and breakfast are served in the beautiful hotel restaurant.

The next five nights you spend in a community centre (sleeping bag accommodation).

Saddle & Tack: Icelandic Trekking saddles and bridles.

Experience: You have to be comfortable in all gaits and have a good level of fitness, because with a free-running herd the pace is faster. Previous experience in tölt is not necessary. Daily riding time 4- 7 hours.

Horses: Icelandic horses. They ride on five days with free running herd.

In a nutshell

Webcode: BGF008

Program Type: Trail
Travel Time: Jun - Aug
Lodging: Guesthouse
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: double, dorm
Language: English
Non Riders: upon request
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 10
Max: 15

Our Tipp

Our wellness trail for water lovers: Riding through the river valleys during the day and relaxing in the thermal bath in the evening...

All itineraries, prices & dates subject to changes © EQUITOUR International Riding Vacations, Switzerland