Trail | Hekla Wilderness Ride

Varied riding tour around the volcano Hekla (6 days)

Trail | Hekla Wilderness Ride

Varied riding tour around the volcano Hekla (6 days)

Trail | Hekla Wilderness Ride

Varied riding tour around the volcano Hekla (6 days)


Webcode: HEK008

Programmart: Trail
Reisezeit: Jun - Aug
Unterkunft: Guesthouse, hut
Verpflegung: Full board
Zimmer: Double, dorm
Sprache: English
Nichtreiter: no
Kinder: upon request
Eigenes Pferd: no

Gruppengrösse / Mitreiter
Min: 10
Max: 15

Unser Tipp

One of the most beautiful riding areas in Iceland, far from tourist streams!

Beschreibung & Reiseverlauf

The legendary Hekla (Icelandic for hood) is a 1.488 m high volcano in the south of Iceland. The volcano, considered the gateway to hell in the Middle Ages, is located in the centre of a 40 km long volcanic fissure and is one of the three most active volcanoes in Iceland. The remarkable eruptions of the volcano have repeatedly covered large parts of Iceland with volcanic ash and rock. In its resting phases Hekla is often covered with snow and small glaciers. The area around the volcano is characterized by rivers and green valleys, but also by black lava sand tracks, canyons and mountains. Absolutely lonely and a real insider tip for riders! Also a free running herd is not to be missed and so we go up and down at a brisk pace through a unique area, marked by volcanic eruptions and water. You are sure to meet some Icelandic sheep along the way, which spend the summer in this fertile area.
On this tour you will have a shower every evening and usually even a swimming pool on site.





On the first day you will stay overnight in 2 to 4 bedded rooms in the comfortable guesthouse at the riding stable. Dinner and breakfast are served in the beautiful hotel restaurant.
In the often very remote areas through which you will ride, there are no hotels available on the way. Sometimes you will stay in guesthouses with 4 to 6 bedded rooms, but mostly you will be accommodated in dormitories or hikers´ cabins where all guests stay together. Usually hot showers are available, but it may be that in between an accommodation only has washing facilities and toilets. There are also power sockets not available every night.

Pferde, Reiten & Zaumzeug

Pferde: Icelandic horses, 2-3 horses per rider, the free running herd accompanies the ride.

Sattel & Zaum: Icelandic trekking saddles and water bridles.

Reiterfahrung: You should have been riding regularly for at least three years, safety in all gaits and good physical condition are required. Riding with the herd involves a brisk pace (usually tölt).

Kundenmeinungen & weitere Informationen

Kundenmeinungen, Informationen zum Land (wie z.B. Visabestimmungen) und Wetterinfos finden Sie bei und nur online, da sich diese täglich ändern können. Gehen Sie dafür bitte online auf


Preise & Termine

Dates, prices, prestations

Hekla Wilderness Ride

Space available? Click on a date and book online! Red: fully booked!


11.06. - 16.06.

11.07. - 16.07.

09.08. - 14.08.

Services and notations

Included: 6 Tage, 5 Üb. Gasthäusern und Hütten, 5 Reittage, VP ausser letztes Abendessen, 2 oder 3 Pferde pro Reiter, Gepäcktransport, Englisch sprechende Tourenführung, Transfer ab/an Reykjavík.

Arrival / departure: je nach Termin

Reykjavík (KEF), Ankunt bis ca. 16 Uhr, Rückflug ab 21 Uhr.

Not included in package: Flughafenbus nach Reykjavík, ca. 25 EUR pro Weg, Transfer 1.Tag um 17:30h ab Reykjavik BSI




UK £



Hekla ride, 6 days, f.b.




Prices per person, not including travel

Einzelzimmer nicht verfügbar.

In a nutshell

Webcode: HEK008

Program Type: Trail
Travel Time: Jun - Aug
Lodging: Guesthouse, hut
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Double, dorm
Language: English
Non Riders: no
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 10
Max: 15

Our Tipp

One of the most beautiful riding areas in Iceland, far from tourist streams!

Your Expert:


The legendary Hekla (Icelandic for hood) is a 1.488 m high volcano in the south of Iceland. The volcano, considered the gateway to hell in the Middle Ages, is located in the centre of a 40 km long volcanic fissure and is one of the three most active volcanoes in Iceland. The remarkable eruptions of the volcano have repeatedly covered large parts of Iceland with volcanic ash and rock. In its resting phases Hekla is often covered with snow and small glaciers. The area around the volcano is characterized by rivers and green valleys, but also by black lava sand tracks, canyons and mountains. Absolutely lonely and a real insider tip for riders! Also a free running herd is not to be missed and so we go up and down at a brisk pace through a unique area, marked by volcanic eruptions and water. You are sure to meet some Icelandic sheep along the way, which spend the summer in this fertile area.
On this tour you will have a shower every evening and usually even a swimming pool on site.


On the first day you will stay overnight in 2 to 4 bedded rooms in the comfortable guesthouse at the riding stable. Dinner and breakfast are served in the beautiful hotel restaurant.
In the often very remote areas through which you will ride, there are no hotels available on the way. Sometimes you will stay in guesthouses with 4 to 6 bedded rooms, but mostly you will be accommodated in dormitories or hikers´ cabins where all guests stay together. Usually hot showers are available, but it may be that in between an accommodation only has washing facilities and toilets. There are also power sockets not available every night.

Saddle & Tack: Icelandic trekking saddles and water bridles.

Experience: You should have been riding regularly for at least three years, safety in all gaits and good physical condition are required. Riding with the herd involves a brisk pace (usually tölt).

Horses: Icelandic horses, 2-3 horses per rider, the free running herd accompanies the ride.

In a nutshell

Webcode: HEK008

Program Type: Trail
Travel Time: Jun - Aug
Lodging: Guesthouse, hut
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Double, dorm
Language: English
Non Riders: no
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 10
Max: 15

Our Tipp

One of the most beautiful riding areas in Iceland, far from tourist streams!

All itineraries, prices & dates subject to changes © EQUITOUR International Riding Vacations, Switzerland