Trail | Coto de Doñana Trail

On horseback through Europs largest nature park

Trail | Coto de Doñana Trail

On horseback through Europs largest nature park

Trail | Coto de Doñana Trail

On horseback through Europs largest nature park


Webcode: DON008

Programmart: Trail
Reisezeit: Mar-Apr, Oct
Unterkunft: Hotel
Verpflegung: Full board
Zimmer: Double, single
Sprache: English, Spanish
Nichtreiter: upon request
Kinder: upon request
Eigenes Pferd: no

Gruppengrösse / Mitreiter
Min: 6
Max: 9


Beschreibung & Reiseverlauf

The Coto de Doñana National Park is one of the largest and most famous wetlands in Europe. Wide plains, swamps, marshland, streams, pine forests, dunes and sandy beaches characterize the landscape. Thousands of birds are at home or winter here. Within the park live more than 1000 horses half wild, which are said to be the descendants of the horse population that Columbus and the other explorers brought back to America.
Even today, horses still have a very special status in the protected area and serve as an important means of transportation. On this tour you will visit the famous equestrian village El Rocío in the National Park Coto de Doñana.



Day 1: Transfer from Seville to the hotel in La Puebla del Río. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 2: Departure from the town of La Puebla del Río in the province of Seville, idyllically located on the Guadalquivir River, with some interesting monuments such as the church of Nuestra Señora de la Granada and the hermitage of San Sebastián. You ride from the northeast into the Coto de Doñana National Park through pine forests towards the town of Aznalcazar. You will follow the pilgrimage route to Aldea del Rocío, where you will spend the night in a comfortable bungalow surrounded by pine trees.

Day 3: After breakfast, you will set off towards the Quema River and follow the pilgrimage route to El Rocío. You will ride over wide bull pastures with cork oaks, the typical landscape of the Dehasa. Rosemary, sage and rockrose are typical plants here. Destination at noon is Villamanrique De la Condensa, a centre of the Doma Vaquera. After lunch you will ride on towards Hinojos in the heart of the Doñana, where you will have dinner in the oldest restaurant of the region, the Choza de Doñana. Overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 4: Ride on one of the most important pilgrim paths, the Camino de Hinojos. You follow the sandy wide track Raya Royal and arrive at the famous Ajolí Bridge, which you cross to get to Rocío. Rocío welcomes you with its white houses, sandy streets and marshland. Famous is the impressive white pilgrimage church, the Ermita del Rocío. You visit the church and learn more about its history. Later you can have a few drinks and enjoy the incredible sunset. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Day 5: Today is the longest, but probably the most beautiful day of the week. You are now in the western part of the Doñana and ride the famous pilgrimage path of the brotherhood of Huelva through the municipality of Almonte (to which Rocío belongs). They see the gigantic place in front of the pilgrimage church on which newly arriving pilgrims are welcomed. On the further ride through the national park you will pass small, idyllic hamlets, among others in Bodegones, where you will enjoy your picnic. After lunch you will ride on through pine forests and typical Doñana wetlands until you reach Mazagón, which is located directly on the unspoilt beach. Here you will have dinner and stay overnight at the beach hotel.

Day 6: After breakfast you will go to the beach with the horses. The sea breeze will accompany you the whole day, together with the fantastic view of the Atlantic Ocean. You will cross the largest shifting sand dunes of the Iberian Peninsula, which slowly but steadily bury all vegetation underneath. The landscape is very different from the previous tour and you will have completely different impressions. You will visit the fishing village of Mazagón, where you will also have lunch. Dinner and overnight stay in a nice hotel near the harbour.

Day 7: On your last day of riding you will enjoy the unspoilt beach again, the famous Torre del Loro, which owes its name to the Parrot Tower, an old, dilapidated lookout and observation tower on the coast. Here you can let your gaze wander over the spectacular cliffs and the gentle waves, so that you can return to your everyday life at home in a balanced and relaxed way. The day ends at midday with a picnic lunch. Transfer to the hotel of the first night. Here you will have dinner and stay overnight.

Day 8: After breakfast transfer to Seville airport and departure (journey time approx. 30 min.). Subject to change without notice!



You will stay overnight in beautiful guesthouses and hotels typical of the country.

Pferde, Reiten & Zaumzeug

Pferde: They ride proud PREs and Andalusians, mostly from their own breeding. St. to 1.65 m.

Sattel & Zaum: Spanish vaquero saddles with sheepskin, curb bit.

Reiterfahrung: You should be saddle stable, be able to control your horse in all gaits and have off-road experience.

Kundenmeinungen & weitere Informationen

Kundenmeinungen, Informationen zum Land (wie z.B. Visabestimmungen) und Wetterinfos finden Sie bei und nur online, da sich diese täglich ändern können. Gehen Sie dafür bitte online auf


Preise & Termine

Dates, prices, prestations

Coto de Doñana Trail

Space available? Click on a date and book online! Red: fully booked!


15.03. - 22.03.

08.11. - 15.11.

Services and notations

Included: 8 Tage/7 Üb., im DZ/EZ mit DU/WC, VP inkl Tischwein(Mittagessen: Picknick), 6 Reittage, Gepäcktransport, Spanisch und Englisch spr. Tourenführung, Sammeltransfer ab/an Sevilla.

Arrival / departure: Samstag - Samstag.

Sevilla (Ankunft bis 17 Uhr, Rückflug nicht vor 12 Uhr).

Not included in package: -




UK £



Coto de Donana Trail, AP





Coto de Donana Trail, single room, AP





In a nutshell

Webcode: DON008

Program Type: Trail
Travel Time: Mar-Apr, Oct
Lodging: Hotel
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Double, single
Language: English, Spanish
Non Riders: upon request
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 6
Max: 9

Your Expert:


The Coto de Doñana National Park is one of the largest and most famous wetlands in Europe. Wide plains, swamps, marshland, streams, pine forests, dunes and sandy beaches characterize the landscape. Thousands of birds are at home or winter here. Within the park live more than 1000 horses half wild, which are said to be the descendants of the horse population that Columbus and the other explorers brought back to America.
Even today, horses still have a very special status in the protected area and serve as an important means of transportation. On this tour you will visit the famous equestrian village El Rocío in the National Park Coto de Doñana.


Day 1: Transfer from Seville to the hotel in La Puebla del Río. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 2: Departure from the town of La Puebla del Río in the province of Seville, idyllically located on the Guadalquivir River, with some interesting monuments such as the church of Nuestra Señora de la Granada and the hermitage of San Sebastián. You ride from the northeast into the Coto de Doñana National Park through pine forests towards the town of Aznalcazar. You will follow the pilgrimage route to Aldea del Rocío, where you will spend the night in a comfortable bungalow surrounded by pine trees.

Day 3: After breakfast, you will set off towards the Quema River and follow the pilgrimage route to El Rocío. You will ride over wide bull pastures with cork oaks, the typical landscape of the Dehasa. Rosemary, sage and rockrose are typical plants here. Destination at noon is Villamanrique De la Condensa, a centre of the Doma Vaquera. After lunch you will ride on towards Hinojos in the heart of the Doñana, where you will have dinner in the oldest restaurant of the region, the Choza de Doñana. Overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 4: Ride on one of the most important pilgrim paths, the Camino de Hinojos. You follow the sandy wide track Raya Royal and arrive at the famous Ajolí Bridge, which you cross to get to Rocío. Rocío welcomes you with its white houses, sandy streets and marshland. Famous is the impressive white pilgrimage church, the Ermita del Rocío. You visit the church and learn more about its history. Later you can have a few drinks and enjoy the incredible sunset. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Day 5: Today is the longest, but probably the most beautiful day of the week. You are now in the western part of the Doñana and ride the famous pilgrimage path of the brotherhood of Huelva through the municipality of Almonte (to which Rocío belongs). They see the gigantic place in front of the pilgrimage church on which newly arriving pilgrims are welcomed. On the further ride through the national park you will pass small, idyllic hamlets, among others in Bodegones, where you will enjoy your picnic. After lunch you will ride on through pine forests and typical Doñana wetlands until you reach Mazagón, which is located directly on the unspoilt beach. Here you will have dinner and stay overnight at the beach hotel.

Day 6: After breakfast you will go to the beach with the horses. The sea breeze will accompany you the whole day, together with the fantastic view of the Atlantic Ocean. You will cross the largest shifting sand dunes of the Iberian Peninsula, which slowly but steadily bury all vegetation underneath. The landscape is very different from the previous tour and you will have completely different impressions. You will visit the fishing village of Mazagón, where you will also have lunch. Dinner and overnight stay in a nice hotel near the harbour.

Day 7: On your last day of riding you will enjoy the unspoilt beach again, the famous Torre del Loro, which owes its name to the Parrot Tower, an old, dilapidated lookout and observation tower on the coast. Here you can let your gaze wander over the spectacular cliffs and the gentle waves, so that you can return to your everyday life at home in a balanced and relaxed way. The day ends at midday with a picnic lunch. Transfer to the hotel of the first night. Here you will have dinner and stay overnight.

Day 8: After breakfast transfer to Seville airport and departure (journey time approx. 30 min.). Subject to change without notice!

You will stay overnight in beautiful guesthouses and hotels typical of the country.

Saddle & Tack: Spanish vaquero saddles with sheepskin, curb bit.

Experience: You should be saddle stable, be able to control your horse in all gaits and have off-road experience.

Horses: They ride proud PREs and Andalusians, mostly from their own breeding. St. to 1.65 m.

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In a nutshell

Webcode: DON008

Program Type: Trail
Travel Time: Mar-Apr, Oct
Lodging: Hotel
Catering: Full board
Accomodation: Double, single
Language: English, Spanish
Non Riders: upon request
Kids: upon request
Own Horse: no

Group Size
Min: 6
Max: 9

All itineraries, prices & dates subject to changes © EQUITOUR International Riding Vacations, Switzerland