Riding in Belize

Explore ancient ruins and lush jungles in Central America, home to a variety of wildlife including jaguars, frogs, osprey and sloths. Equitour offers horse riding holidays in Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras and Mexico – with each country as unique and diverse as the next. 

Meet howler monkeys in Belize and enjoy the serenity of Costa Rica's cloud forest. Ride along beaches in the Dominican Republic, or escape the tourist crowds in Honduras. Have a true Mexicana experience in Mexico – complete with unbelievable cuisine! In Central America, one can travel by horseback through national parks and wilderness reserves. Relax on your choice of Caribbean or Pacific beaches, each as pristine and untouched as the next. 

These are horseback riding equestrian holidays you will never forget.

Our Rides

Trail Ride

7 days

Trailblazer Ride | Belize

Der Ritt findet an der Nordostflanke des Reservats für Bergkiefern, Kalksteinkarst und Regenwald statt. Viele bedrohte Arten wie z.B. Jaguare und Königsgeier leben hier.

7 day trip, AP

Saddle & Tack: Mixed
Price from 1400,- EUR
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Trail Ride

7 days

Trailblazer Ride | Belize

7 day trip, AP

Saddle & Tack: Mixed
Price from 1400,- EUR
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