Riding in Ecuador
Ecuador is a country of boundless diversity, friendly people and spectacular natural wonders. Ecuador is bursting with tropical color – whether it’s the vibrant wild orchids, rainbow-hued toucans, indigenous costumes or the multi-colored butterflies. Horse riding in Ecuador is a time to immerse yourself in the sights, sounds and colors of Ecuador. To explore rainforests, ride past volcanoes, follow ancient Inca trails, or lounge in the quiet ambience of a colonial hacienda. Our Ecuadorian horse riding holidays offer a taste of Ecuador quite unlike anything else.
Horseback riding from one geographic area to another exposes Ecuador’s exciting ethnic diversity. The country has the second-highest percentage of indigenous people in South America, with over a dozen distinct ethnic and language groups. On our horseback vacations, you will visit the Indian markets and festivities, walk in the colonial streets of Quito (declared UNESCO cultural heritage sights), relax at a hacienda, or admire the wildlife in the Galapagos Islands or the Amazon.
Equitour has numerous horseback riding vacations in Ecuador. The Colonial Hacienda Trail and the Otavalo Ride, base themselves at beautiful colonial era haciendas (farm estates), and follow in the footsteps of the earliest Spanish settlers. Others, like the Andean Mountain Ride, ascend deep into the mighty Andes Mountain Range. On the Volcano Avenue Ride and the Cotopaxi Adventure Ride you will witness some of Ecuador’s finest volcanoes (including Cotopaxi Volcano). The Hacienda Primavera Ride is a wilderness horseback ride, based at an eco-lodge in the stunning El Choco rainforest. Our Cloud Forest to Highland ride is also another one of our great horse riding holidays (and more challenging than some of the Hacienda rides). Finally, our Cotopaxi Cattle Roundup and Cotopaxi Horse Roundup give you the awesome opportunity to experience an authentic rodeo (literally “round up”) of fighting bulls and horses.
Ecuador Weather and Climate
The coast is hot all year, with a humid rainy season between December and May. In the mountains climate depends on altitude, becoming cooler the higher you go. The Amazon region is hot, humid and wet while the Galapagos Islands are dry with a steady year-round average temperature of 77ºF (25ºC).
Our Rides

Colonial Hacienda and Inca Trail | Ecuador
kleine Dörfer und fruchtbare Täler - Reittour mit bequemen Abenden - Überqueren des Äquators
Saddle & Tack: Mixed
Price from 4800,- EUR
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Colonial Hacienda and Inca Trail | Ecuador
8 day trip, AP
Price from 4800,- EUR
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Andean Adventure Ride | Ecuador
Von Hacienda zu Hacienda im Hochland auf der Strasse der Vulkane - Blick auf den höchsten aktiven Vulkan der Welt
Saddle & Tack: Mixed
Price from 3425,- EUR
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Volcanoes & Vistas | Ecuador

Schneebedeckte Vulkane und Haciendas im Hochland Ecuadors
Saddle & Tack: Mixed
Price from 4450,- EUR
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Anden Berglodge Hacienda Zuleta | Ecuador

Zu Pferd durch das Hochland Ecuadors mit Komfortunterkunft
Saddle & Tack: Mixed
Price from 4450,- EUR
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Anden Berglodge Hacienda Zuleta | Ecuador
11 day trip, AP
Price from 4450,- EUR
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Hacienda Cusin Riding Getaway | Ecuador

Gemütliches Landhaus in Ecuador mit Reitprogramm
Saddle & Tack: Mixed
Price from 940,- EUR
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Hacienda Cusin Riding Getaway | Ecuador
5 day trip, AP w 1 overnight ride
Price from 940,- EUR
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Hacienda Primavera | Ecuador

Haciendaaufenthalt mit Reitprogramm
Saddle & Tack: Mixed
Price from 770,- EUR
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